
A few weeks before maiting, it is advisable to have your pigeons’ droppings checked for the presence of worms, coccidiosis and paratyphus and treat them if necessary.

– For coccidiosis and/or trichomoniasis, we recommend treatment with B.S.

– For worms, we recommend treatment with BelgaWormac.

– For paratyphus, we recommend treatment with Parastop or Parasol.

The above preparations are safe and do not cause vomiting or feather damage.

Preventive: : Immediately after racing season or between the end of moult and the start of breeding, we advise that pigeons be treated with Parastop for 10-14 days: 1 sachet or 2 measuring spoons in 2 litres of water or over 1 kg of feed. A week after the cure with Parastop, we recommend that the pigeons be treated individually with Para Control Boost to stabilise the intestinal flora and support their general resistance and immunity.

Approx. 3 weeks before mating  give your pigeons B.S. against trichomoniasis (canker): For 3 consecutive days, 1 sachet in 2 litres of water or 1 sachet over 1 kg of feed.

During breeding:

From breeding onward, moisten the feed for 3-5 consecutive days with 15 ml of Belgarlic + Vit. E; then mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon Belga Super Fit.

After the eggs have been laid, give  B.S  for 6 days: 1 sachet in 2 litres of water or 1 sachet over 1 kg of feed. This prevents trichomoniasis (canker), infections of the crop mucus membrane, coccidiosis and hexamitiasis B.S. also promotes down moulting.

BelgaBion once a week: 1 sachet in 3 litres of water or 1 sachet over 1.5 kg of feed.

Moisten 1 kg of feed once a week with 15 ml of Belgarlic + Vit. E; then mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon Belga Super Fit.

 When the squakers are 7 days old, give them 25 ml of Belgasol per litre of water for 5 consecutive days, for perfectly growing youngsters with perfect droppings.

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