
1 week before the start of the season: 3 consecutive days A.S. (Antislijm)  or OrniSpecial  – 1 sachet in 2 litres of water.

Short and Middle Distance:

Tuesday: BelgaBion  – 1 sachet in 3 litres of water or 1 sachet in 1.5 kg of feed.

Wednesday: over the feed: 15 ml of Belgasol; then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon of Belga Super Fit and 1 measuring spoon or 1 sachet of BelgaBac.

If a tough race is expected, the feed can be moistened with 15 ml Belgarlic + Vit. E or Essential Oil.

1 day before basketing: W.N. (White Noses), OrniSpecial or Belga Tai (alternating), 1 sachet in 2 litres of water. Also over the feed:  15 ml of Essential Oil or Belgarlic + Vit. E; then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon Belga Carbo Energy.

Day of basketing: Administer 1-2 Vitaboli pills per pigeon.

Immediately upon returning home: 25 ml of Belgasol  per litre of water.  For 1-2 days B.S. (Better Digestion) – 1 sachet in 2 litres of water or 1 sachet over 1 kg of feed. B.S.  can also be given in the water together with Belgasol. If B.S. is given over the feed, the feed can be moistened with 15 ml of Belgasol  or 10 ml of Belga Biovit per 1 kg of feed

Reduced performance:

It is possible that performance will decrease after 5 races. This is usually caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract. The pigeons return tired, have lost body weight, train badly and moult too little down feathers. If this happens, on Monday, Tuesday and possibly Wednesday, give your pigeons OrniSpecial or Belga Tai for 2-3 days: 2 measuring spoons or 1 sachet in 2 litres of water. For combination possibilities in case of severe ornithosis, see page 45 of our catalogue.


In the week of basketing:

3 consecutive days (Monday + Tuesday + Wednesday) an ornithosis cure in the drinking water: 2 measuring spoons or 1 sachet of  Belga Tai in 2 litres of water or 2 measuring spoons or OrniSpecial 1 sachet  in 2 litres of water. It is ideal to do this alternately during racing season. Combinations can also be made; see page 45 of our catalogue. On the day of basketing, 15 ml of Belgasol can be given in 1 litre of water, ideal against thirst and to build up energy.

Also, at the same time, over the feed:

Monday: Moisten 1 kg of feed with 15 ml of Essential Oil or  Belgarlic + Vit. E then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon or 1 sachet of  BelgaBac.

Tuesday: Moisten 1 kg of feed with 15 ml of Essential Oil or  Belgarlic + Vit. E; then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon or 1 sachet of  BelgaBac and 1 measuring spoon of Belga Carbo Energy.

Wednesday: Moisten 1 kg of feed with 15 ml of Belga Essential Oil or  Belgarlic + Vit. E; then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon (10 g) of Belga Carbo Energy and 1 sachet of  BelgaBion.

For tougher races on the day of basketing:  Administer 1-2 Vitaboli pills per pigeon.

Immediately upon returning home from a race: 25 ml of Belgasol per litre of water.  For 2 days  B.S. (Better Digestion) – 1 sachet in 2 litres of water.  B.S. can also be given together in the water with Belgasol.

Also over the feed for 1-2 days: 10 ml of Belga Biovit, then mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon of Belga Recharge or the pigeons that have been racing, administer 1 Belga Recharge capsule. After returning home from a tough race, 1-2 Vitaboli pills can also be given.

Marathon races:

1 week before basketing:

3 consecutive days 2 measuring spoons  or 1 sachet of Belga Tai (+ 5 ml Ornisol, if applicable) in 2 litres of water or 2 measuring spoons or 1 sachet  OrniSpecial (+ 5 ml Ornisol, if applicable) in 2 litres of water. It is ideal to do this alternately during racing season. Combinations can also be made; see page 43 of our catalogue.

At the same time over the feed: 3 consecutive day 15 ml of Belgarlic + Vit. E with 1 measuring spoon Belga Super Fit.

3 days before basketing: Moisten 1 kg of feed with 15 ml of Essential Oil or  Belgarlic + Vit. E; then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon or 1 sachet of  BelgaBac.

2 days before basketing: Moisten 1 kg of feed with 15 ml of Essential Oil or  Belgarlic + Vit. E; then, mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon or 1 sachet of  BelgaBac and 1 measuring spoon of Belga Carbo Energy.

In the water: 1 sachet of  BelgaBion in 3 litres of water.

Individual treatment: 1 BelgaMagix tablet per pigeon

1 day before basketing: Moisten 1 kg of feed with 15 ml of Essential Oil or  Belgarlic + Vit. E, then mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon Belga Carbo Energy.

In the water: 15 ml of Belgasol in 1 litre of water (this is also possible on the day of basketing)

Individual treatment: 1-2 Vitaboli pills per pigeon.

Immediately upon returning home from a race: Belgasol (25 ml per litre of water), for 2 days  B.S. (Better Digestion) – 1 sachet in 2 litres of water.  B.S. can also be given together with Belgasol.  Also add 10 ml of Belga Biovit over the feed for 1-2 days, then mix the feed with 1 measuring spoon of Belga Recharge or the pigeons that have been racing, administer 1 Belga Recharge capsule.

When returning home from a tough race: give 1-2 pills Vitaboli.

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