Columbovet, Vanrobaeys partner, top quality feed for racing pigeons

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Champions use Vanrobaeys!

At Columbovet we offer a wide range of food mixtures, covering the needs of each compartment (breeding, youngsters, flight), each category of distance, and for both methods of flight: natural and widowhood.

This brand continues to be a family business. It has been producing pigeon feed since 1965. Since then it has become a major producer, supplying many top Belgian and international fanciers with special food mixtures for racing pigeons in particular.

Below is a recent example of a top result, obtained with 100% Vanrobaeys food!

Platteeuw Kurt & Raf (Rumbeke), winners of the Bourges National stage, Belgium. This is the eighth time I have managed to win 1st place at a national stage in Belgium!

A healthy pigeon gets almost everything from a healthy, complex food.

The purpose of Vanrobaeys is to provide a wide range of food for pigeons. Each time of year comes with its own specific feeding priorities: a pigeon has different needs during moulting than during the racing or breeding season.

Vanrobaeys is passion: passion for quality and perfection, where everything must be very well developed. To achieve this, quality control is essential, as it is impossible to market high quality food if the "raw materials" are not really high quality.

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