Cleaning the loft

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Cleaning the loft… an activity not very loved by the pigeon fanciers. But it’s something we cannot ignore, if we want healthy pigeons, and it must be done regularly. And, if it’s a must, we should know that for maximum efficiency, there are some important steps to follow, which we list below:

Step 1: Scrape out the trays

You start at the top and then you work your way down, you let all the dirt fall to the ground.

Step 2: Remove the dirt from the floor

If you have done step 1 correctly, there will already be a lot of dirt on the floor. It is best to take a brush and sweep it all together. After, you can remove it with a shovel.

Step 3: Vacuum cleaning

It is important that you make the loft as dust-free as possible. An industrial vacuum cleaner is a must-have for this job.

Step 4: Torch burner

When everything is vacuumed, it’s time to go through the loft with the torch burner. Here it is important that you reach every square cm. This step is necessary to kill all of the vermin!

Step 5: Disinfect

This is the second last step with regard to cleaning the lofts. For this, you can use: Avibac Stabilizer, Virkon S, Desinfektion Pro. After the cleaning process, we spray this in all the lofts.

Step 6: Cleaning individual parts

All loose parts are sprayed with a high pressure cleaner.

Cleaning out the loft is one thing, but you must also remember that there is serious dirt on the loose parts.

By thoroughly cleaning these, you ensure that everything is spotless again.

Great job!

After you have followed all these steps the cleaning of the loft is over. The loft is now spotless and the individual parts can be put back into place.

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